Guide to Choose the Right Tile

Express your creativity at home with tiles. Choose a tile combination to create a truly unique look without having to pay much money.

Whether on walls or floors, tiles can be used wherever you want. You can do an experiment by creating something different and interesting in each room. Tiles are also durable and have low maintenance costs.

Amber Tiles provides so many choices of bathroom wall tiles with a variety of motifs, sizes, and motifs. However, before you begin, you need to consider what type and material of tile you are looking for.

In general, the basic ingredients of tiles are clay. Still, there are several types of tiles with better specifications that are using silica sand, kaolin, or broken natural stone.

The following are the types of tiles:

Ceramic Tiles

ceramic tile is commonly used in homes, and the price is relatively affordable. This tile is often used for the floor and walls of the house. But why are ceramic tiles the most popular tiles? This tile has a strong surface that is very easy to clean. This tile is also durable if it is treated appropriately.

Granite Tiles

granite tiles have rougher and harder surface than ceramics. Its surface is also quite waterproof. Some granite tiles can withstand very cold air without freezing. This tile is very suitable to be placed anywhere, both for use inside and outside the room. Not infrequently, this tile is also used in the bathroom. Granite tiles are usually produced in large sizes. So, for houses with broad sizes, it is more appropriate to use granite tiles than ceramic tiles.

Mosaic tile

This mosaic tile has beautiful patterns on its surface. Mosaic tiles are usually made in combination with several ceramics that are put together. Sometimes, mosaic tiles can be made of glass, natural rock, stainless steel, and conch shells. These mosaic tiles are special and place on the walls of the house for decoration.